I was recently introduced to the wonderful world of putting a fried egg on top of beans or leftovers and calling it dinner. Sometimes it is pretty basic- canned black beans, salsa, and one egg over easy. Other times I will take taco leftovers or yellow rice and chicken leftovers and serve them with a fried egg on top. I recently found myself with extra avocados. We order an organic produce box from time to time and a few weeks ago, it looked so good that we ended up with an extra large box. Eating up the extra plums, grapes, and corn wasn't a problem at all. Finding things to do with the avocado took a little bit more creativity. I discovered that I really like avocado with ranch dressing, so I mixed up some ranch dressing. I accidentally bought mayonnaise with lime juice, but it made great ranch dressing. I threw a few ingredients into a skillet, fried an egg, and topped it with some goodies. It made a wonderful dinner.
Black Beans and "Ranch" Eggs
1 can black beans
2 ears of corn, cooked
1/2 cup jack cheese
2 eggs, cooked to your preference (I like runny yolks)
1 avocado, chopped into cubes
1/4 cup salsa
1/4 cup ranch dressing
Black olives
Tortilla crackers
Heat beans in a pot over medium-low heat. After cooking the corn, cut off the kernels. Place the black beans on a large plate, top with corn, cheese, and egg. Top the egg with salsa and sprinkle the avocado and black olives around the plate. Drizzle with ranch dressing. Serve with
tortilla crackers.
2 servings
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